The legend of the Daegaya empire awakens.
Daegaya, the best-civilized ironware kingdom realized in the easternmost region of Eurasia!

The influence and culture of Daegaya that stretched to China and Japan for 520 years as the fourth empire! The Living Village where you can vividly experience the history of Daegaya that became a legend! Daegaya's Living Village was established to promote the broad tourism base of Daegaya that saw its brilliant ancient culture flourish, build connections of Daegaya's historical and cultural facilities and contribute to revitalizing the local economy by securing differentiated cultural resources.
  • Address81 Sinnam-ro, Goryeong-eup, Goryeong-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do
  • Telephone054)950-7180, 7181
  • Fax054)950-6689